The underlying objective of this project is to complement the European Commission’s process of vertical judicial Europeanization with an internal, horizontal, initiative that would combine an academic and practical approach in detecting and noting the main shortcomings of our judicial culture, and through consultations with international and regional experts, outline recommendations for future steps in the Europeanization of judicial culture. Taking into consideration that changes in judicial culture occur incrementally and, above all, through education and training process, the recommendations resulting from this project will be aimed to be incorporated in the process of judicial training.
Therefore, the judicial institutions (academies for judges and prosecutors, judicial councils), government institutions dealing with EU integration of the Western Balkan countries, the general and expert public, as well as the European Commission (DG NEAR, DG JUST) are the targets of this project.
The project is coordinated by the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (IDSCS) from North Macedonia, in cooperation with T.M.C. Asser Instituut from the Netherlands, the Judicial Research Center (CEPRIS) from Serbia, and the Albanian Legal and Territorial Research Initiative (ALTRI), and supported by the Dutch Fund for Regional Partnership (NFRP)/Matra. The project will be carried out and have impact in Skopje (North Macedonia), Belgrade (Serbia) and Tirana (Albania).
In the following two years, the project team will carry out eight activities in the countries concerned, including 1) kick-off conference in Skopje; 2) comprehensive study on judicial culture; 3) expert workshops in Skopje, Belgrade and Tirana; 4) final conference; 5) promotional activities including op-eds, infographics, and podcasts; 6) study visit in Brussels; 7) study visit in The Hague; and 8) incorporation of the judicial culture aspects in judicial training.
Project related events
Comparative Study on ‘Judicial Culture’: The Dutch Approach – Pragmatism, negotiation and constant fine-tuning
12.01.2023This paper examined four aspects of judicial culture with a...
Personal Independence of Judges in Albania
10.01.2023Judicial independence is a polymorphous notion. It has many facets:...
Personal Guarantees of Judicial Independence and Judicial Culture in Serbia
09.01.2023There is little question that judicial independence, in particular the...
Judicial Culture and Individual Independence of Judges in North Macedonia: Independent Judiciary with Dependent Judges?
23.12.2022The establishment of strong judicial councils within the framework of...
Infographic: Judicial Councils are more concerned with safeguarding the political interest than the judicial independence
01.12.2022The Judicial Councils in North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia are...
Kultura gjyqësore dhe roli i gjyqtarëve në zhvillimin e së drejtës në Shqipëri
13.11.2022Kultura gjyqësore dhe roli i gjyqtarëve në zhvillimin e së...
Europeanisation of the judicial system in the Western Balkans discussed at advocacy visit in Brussels
23.09.2022The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) organised an advocacy visit between...
IDSCS and EUROPEUM in Brussels organised the event “Europeanisation of Judicial Culture in The Western Balkans”
22.09.2022The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) and EUROPEUM Office in Brussels...
The role of the high court in the uniform application of the law in Albania
03.09.2022The ultimate goal of legal certainty is to ensure predictability...
(In)Consistent Application of the Law and the Judicial Culture in Serbia
19.08.2022Consistent judicial application of the law is one of the...
Infographic: Intimidation and self-constraints are far more dominant than the sense of independence and judicial creativity among judges
11.08.2022In the Western Balkan the judges are generally aware of...
The Role of the Higher Courts in Securing the Uniform Application of the Law in North Macedonia
03.08.2022North Macedonia represents one of those countries in which the...
Europeanisation of judicial culture in the Western Balkans discussed in Den Haag as part of regional MATRA research
24.06.2022The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) and Asser Institute co-organised an...
Judicial self-governance in Albania
26.05.2022Since after the collapse of communist system Albania has had...
Video: Why is the judiciary in North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia not independent yet?
19.05.2022Why the judiciary in North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia is...
Judicial self-governance and judicial culture in Serbia
19.05.2022The 2021 – 2022 Constitutional Reform in Serbia was publicly...
Separate but not Independent: The (In)Compatibility of the Judicial Culture with Judicial Self-Governance in North Macedonia
16.05.2022Analyzing the case of North Macedonia, a country which was...
Conclusions and recommendations on judiciary self-governance in Albania
13.04.2022Conclusions and recommendations on judiciary self-governance in Albania
Conclusion and recommendations on “Separate but not Independent: The (In) Compatibility of the Judicial Culture with Judicial Self-Governance in North Macedonia”
13.04.2022Conclusion and recommendations on “Separate but not Independent: The (In)...
IDSCS and ALTRI co-organised the conference “The role of higher courts in securing uniform application of the law” in Tirana, Albania
08.04.2022The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) and the Albanian Legal and...
The Role of Higher Courts in Securing Uniform Application of Law
30.12.2021The Role of Higher Courts in Securing Uniform Application of...
Judicial culture and the role of the judges in the development of law in North Macedonia – Conclusion and recommendations
30.11.2021Judicial culture and the role of the judges in the...
Judicial culture and judicial self-governance discussed at experts’ workshop co-organised by IDSCS and CEPRIS
28.09.2021The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) and the Centre for Judicial...
Judicial culture and the role of judges in developing the law in Albania
20.09.2021Judicial culture and the role of judges in developing the...
Judicial culture and role of judges in developing the law in North Macedonia
20.09.2021Judicial culture and role of judges in developing the law...
Judicial culture and role of judges in developing the law in Serbia
17.09.2021Judicial culture and role of judges in developing the law...
IDSCS and A.L.T.R.I co-organised a closed hybrid workshop about the judicial culture in the Western Balkans
28.05.2021The Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) and the Albanian Legal and...
Closed workshop: „Bridging the gap between formal processes and informal practices that shape judicial culture in the Western Balkan”
25.11.2020The Institute for Democracy on November 20 organised a...
Project description: Bridging the gap between formal processes and informal practices that shape judicial culture in the Western Balkan
20.11.2020Project description: Bridging the gap between formal processes and informal...
IDSCS organised conference „Bridging the gap between formal processes and informal practices that shape judicial culture in the Western Balkan”
19.11.2020The Institute for Democracy organised kick-off online conference titled „Bridging...