The Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje (IDSCS) and the Institute for Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans (IECOB) are monitoring the quality of the debates in the Assembly since June 2014. The monitoring is part of the project “Parliament Watch! Strengthening the political debate and deliberative discourse”, and it is financially supported by the European Union. During the monitoring, 10 monthly reports on media monitoring will be published. The present report is the first concerning the media coverage of the work of the Assembly in the period from 19th June until 30th September 2014. The main goal of the monitoring is to reach empirical conclusions concerning the participation of the media in deliberation in the public policy making process and their role in informing the public about the content of the arguments brought about by MPs during parliamentary sessions. In the following months, IDSCS will produce regular reports with the basic finding from the media monitoring.
The full document can be found here: http://idscs.first-report-on-media-monitoring.pdf