
Info on the project



This project is funded by the European Union.                                                                                                  

The Institute for Democracy (ID) is the Leading Partner of the project “Strengthening the civil society through capacity building: Promotion of local development through better utilization of EU funds”.

The European Center for Development, Tolerance and Cooperation from Gostivar is the partner organization and the associate partners are the Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole and the Civil Association from Bitola.
The project is funded by the European Union through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and costs 59. 100 Euros.

The project aims at raising awareness of the EU’s role in the process of democratization of the country and local development, as well as pre-funding opportunities for the candidate countries for EU membership.

The activities will be conducted during 2011 and they are divided in to the following categories:

  • conducting twelve focus groups in which representatives from civil society organizations and local self government from 8 Macedonian regions will take place;
  • organizing 8 public events in order to inform the local community about the opportunities that arise from EU funds;
  • 8 trainings for preparing IPA application;
  • final training for future trainers for EU projects preparation, implementation and monitoring.

Project related events

Training for strengthening the civil society through capacity building in Mavrovo


The last training for EU project applications has been conducted...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Skopje


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Krushevo


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Probishtip


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...

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Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Veles


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Strumica


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Struga


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Training for Strengthening civil society through capacity building in Berovo


In the framework of the project “Strengthening civil society through...


Second phase – Awareness rising public events


Seven public events on topic “EU funds – opportunity or...

Conducted first activity – focus groups


This project is funded by the European Union.    ...

Info on the project


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